Wiki vs X

I've thought it would be a great idea to find a less addictive source of information rather than X social.

Wikipedia looks similar and provides exact amount of information your
brain can handle. There's a section of current news, and if you feel really
high interest to latest events, you can check a short list and learn something
interesting without ads and angry comments. Yes, it's not so fun without memes,
but that's the idea. To spend more time with someone in real life, without
sharing pics and vids. Why you have to control the content to consume? Because
life's always providing choices, so why not to choose something what you like

Actually, X is a terrible distraction for me. I'm forgetting about
everything that was doing previously right after loading the main page of it. A
lot of fun certainly, but it creates so pure mix of everything that you can't
find what's needed exactly for you. Just spinning this wheel, writing comments,
setting likes. The Perfect Slave for this mechanism X.

If you've installed Twitter X app onto your mobile and typically having
the habit of opening this app, you can replace the thumbnail with Wikipedia
app. This app works tremendously fast and feels really comfortable. Just a
little setup at the first time, and then you're free to use it in your favorite
way. I found "Randomizer" feature really similar to what twitter
provides. Just taping a Random button (Dice icon) or sliding from right to the
left - and it finds a random article for you, which is really fun and
interesting. It doesn't guarantee that you'll become smart immediately, but at
least it will be a controllable content consuming. Without ads, direct
propositions to buy something, news, toxic comments and enormous amounts of
things that you wished to not see in your life.

When you diving into the information, it's better when you have some
sense, idea and structure of learning. Several connected facts can have more
chances to build a short chain in your memory, that will be usable in the
future. And for the brain - it's less of garbage to sort and analyze and quite
possible - less energy to spend on actually the harmful activity.

You can save the article and open it anytime, if you'll lost the
internet for example and will be able to continue reading.

In comparison to ChatGPT and Bard Wikipedia can provide more reliable
source of facts, necessary for researches. If it's a place of collaborative
work, and also there might be found new connections amongst designers that are
participating in development of Wikipedia pages of your interest. It's not a
noisy Reddit or X, where majority are just asking-answering, but not

If you plan to do some animation personal project - then probably
Wikipedia will be one of the main sources of information. But maybe Wiki can
become a facilitator in idea of starting such project? Just by walking around
some interesting things in our world, it's quite simple to initiate sparking
imagination and dream about wonderful animated stories that could be put on the
paper, and later on the timeline. Sometimes it's just needed to focus on the
subject and Wikipedia can grant it. Do you need something else to build own
confidence? Instead, the X can disrupt it easily by trolls' comments,
judgements and random threads of content.

Wikipedia may look as a dusty encyclopedia, that doesn't show new
trends. But all the necessary appears here really quickly. So, if you plan to
create something based on the information, it's better when it will have some
value and will be interesting even some time later.

Free images and videos. Not a high-quality stock material, but if it's
needed to apply exactly corresponding material, why not to use a copyright free
content? That's where X can be handy. Maybe you can make research about
popularity of some current trends and use it for research in Wikipedia, it will
be a nice addition to your proficiency by multiplying your skills on the power
of knowledge of smart community.

If you wish just to get fun from Wikipedia as like from X, you can try
hyperlink random journey, so just by clicking any link on the page every time
you can find interesting images or animations, that will definitely catch your
attention at some point. It's always can be interesting to learn some rare and
unexpected facts about favorite films, shows, famous people, historical events,
cities, etc. List of unusual articles by itself can provide an ocean of incredibly
interesting facts, most probably nobody knows about (like 99,9% of the world's
population). Or this list for example List of stories set in a future now in the past

What's important is the time that you can control by reading the Wiki.
For example, With the X , I personally can't do. I just starring at random
information and constantly looking for something useful, but it's not
guaranteed. Nothing is guaranteed in this world, but Twitter is just a waste of
time, most of the time. It's great for posting your own works :) to get some
attention from users, that are lost in this whirlwind of thoughts. They will be
appreciative for some useful and interesting content (even from Wikipedia). But
you will have this immunity from this madness because will be satisfied with
the amounts of information found earlier in Wikipedia. Maybe less fun at the
beginning, but controllable and the fast lane on the highway of exploration.

As usual, all depends on personal tastes and configuration of your
social media feed. If you have a nice collection of prominent minds among your
connections - you will be receiving a fresh and valuable information anytime
you visit and interact with the X. But how you will control the time spent and
the path of your journey depends on your attention and overall vision.
Everything can be useful in a moderate amount. There are some people that are
limiting social media time to just one hour per week. And they're still alive

Register for comments and new emails from me. And have a nice MotionDay!