The Process vs the Skill

By knowing the process, it's much easier to catch a good idea, but doing the final product Great and Efficient requires good experience.

You'll be not sure if it was good or bad idea if someone from your team is having problems with delivering at least somehow decent result. Good idea can initiate the process but with skilled professionals it can grow into something great. Unskilled and unmotivated professionals just have to start with simplified tasks and deliver simple results, what's leading to the loop of constantly degrading quality of the process, or at least remaining on the same level, not growing.

Skills and mastery, and its final realization into the great product - this is what grants new motivation, growth and income. When every member of the team is setting new higher limits of own's capabilities. 

Knowing the production process and taking responsibility for the project is important moment which determines the success of of any activity. When you can analyze and group all information to see an overall image of the product, it will easily form the route by your brain, based on your experience and knowledge, and skills will be an important part of successful journey.

Sometimes skills are more important than just an idea and can elevate the quality beyond expectations. But, most of the times, everything is just moving towards the final result and to be accomplished just in time.

Differences in the quality level are less important, because the project was expected to be finished and the team did it. Next time we can be proud of making something special, and also be more confident in the result that we can provide. 

Do you see something special while holding a brick in your hand? Is it impactful and significant, as like a 20-storey building?

But how these building are built and by whom. Isn't it an interaction of every single brick during holding and supporting other bricks, stacked on each one?  Usually only architects, students and some curious people can notice the elegance or functionality of the building, the final look, the result of huge but hidden amount of work.

Strong professionals are building strong companies. And recruiters as like builders are finding the same-level building materials as other materials of the company, so walls won't be cracking under high loads. Is it needed to be a "skilled brick"? Just needed to be reliable one.

Certainly, you can believe that you can jump to another company, and it will make you a part of a better building, but it's not changing the basis of how it all works. It's needed to change own material to have a chance to become some building element of another nature, a skillset and proficiency that will be used in, for example, more delicate and finishing works during the construction.

Through the whole life we are receiving possibilities, which can make us and our life better. Possibilities to change our own material and become different. We can avoid them, and remain those whom we were previously, or open ourselves to something new, Unknown.

By knowing the process, we can select new material, which can most probably improve our skillset and make us more valuable. Newer version of ourselves. Everyone likes something new, interesting. But everything new becomes discovered and quickly loses attention.

Rich inner story and experience forms a unique and special person in the eyes of others. Flow of stories are holding the interest just because it's always unexpected and exciting to catch an emotion that making us feel something. That's why it's so important to be experienced not only with your job, but have much more extensive knowledge of the world. Some processes and lives of people that are surrounding you, and people that are living in other countries.

It enriches and makes our understanding of any project more weighted and properly estimated. More ideas at your discretion, and more possibilities to apply your skills during the real-time thinking and working, during synthesizing (creative) process.

Is it necessarily needed to travel for an inspiration? Not really. I feel sometimes so big relief after reading some book of author from another country, and understanding and reanalyzing my own experience in a proper way. It rearranges that garbage, that stored for years in my memory collected from smaller chunks of information, and frees some space. I'm breathing more freely after that, more relaxed. And when you receive more free space - it's always for better, you can think, live and work easier.

  Sometimes it's needed to shake and remix everything in your head to find something new for current times. New form of experience, that can be more valuable and innovative. By knowing the creative production process this can help find new routes for better market positioning. And this time skills can play helpful roles, just needed to experiment with these combinations more attentively to see and measure opportunities correctly.

Attempts and learning from others are increasing chances of success. Most of the times it's not needed to push crazy maximums from your head, but just to control the overall process, by lowering the complexity of the project, and emotional impact on yourself caused by some task. This leads to simple but very efficient decisions, which later could be improved. But if you still have nothing and spending time on discovering something incredible, there's will be nothing. And nothing will be to improve.

I've been spending too much time on doing animation and improving these skills that missed too many opportunities to grow by learning design. But on the other hand, I can see now, that I can feel the animation better than most designers can ever will be able to.  So, any skill improvement and learning are helpful throughout a career, just needed to apply them in various projects and feel relief from reorganizing previous experience, and gain new one.

It's even not a competition but a state of mind. Doing something and reorganizing your vision constantly. Daily, every time. Without any reminders and habits. Like breathing, and practicing creative activities just to be happy through the life. Reopening yourself and striving for unknown landscapes. Finding new inspirations and supporting, inspiring others. 

Any experience and skill level can be efficient when you know the process and have a good idea. But in the long run and during urgent projects - skills are becoming more important and valuable asset for efficiency and stability overall .