Sharing ideas is our future

Sharing your thoughts isn't just about making more money.

Sharing ideas is our future

   Until our sensors will be able to receive data from the wireless network, we will be limited to visual transferring of information. Or audial verbal communication, but it's less effective in situations when things become more complicated. For ages tales and stories were told from generation to generation as for education, life and survival purposes. Thousands of years have passed, and we're still using walls of our place of residence for sharing the information.

  We can use QRs and jump into the internet, back to our comfortable mobiles and continue the movement. Everything is simplified to seeing one sign, and making a decision according to the rule, hidden behind this sign. One letter, word, number, icon, logo, simple geometric shape. No time to read texts, listen someone just simple jumping from point to point. G, F, X, P, W, Y, M(c), Sub, IG, YT, P(pal), M(ail), E(bay), a, PS, N.... A lot of them. Just one sign - and a whole story behind it. Soon all one letter symbols will be used multiple times for different companies, just colors will be different. And when all shades of red will be used, then it will be needed to use variants of another representation. Maybe it will be like that for another hundred years, but look like there's a total overflow of information nowadays, so even sophisticated typography and design trick can't solve already in a still 2D image. Needed at least more space for showing everything necessary.  Or displays to change the information to the next slide. After making personalized ads it will be simpler to show just some brands, that are relevant for the customer, so maybe we will be receiving just a limited amount of info, that can process. Especially important in a AR/VR space. Signs and a short, usually animated information are a new way of communication, sharing information, education and survival. 1-2 Symbols is a new capacity which modern human can catch from the ocean of blurred colors. And it's not 100%.
   I was surprised, when in the beginning of learning flash animation, I've been taught that you have only couple of seconds to catch the attention of the viewer. And during this time, he does his overall judgement about the website. But now it's even less, maybe a second.  Games, 60 fps videos, short animations on mobile phones are making us think faster and to adapt to the current digital world. What will be in next 30-50 years, I just can't imagine, but certainly faster.
   But who likes to wait for the delivery, for coffee, for normal life. It's needed faster, now for example, usually with negative consequences, but overall - acceptable and nobody cares too much. Maybe it's the right way of global growth, but not very sustainable. Big companies are using money to direct the customers' behavior, and earning even more. Production, consuming, and a little bit of caring for the nature. I just hope environmental education will have more attention in this century. Progress is unstoppable, but do we need so much variety of products?  What's is the value of a luxury car, if you don't have a chance to see clean ponds anymore and hear birds singing.  It's a tough question, I know, but slow changes are helpful in any case. Even simplest actions like making an image about environmental saving will be effective. It's not paid, but who will be able to do it? A nature activist with a .doc file from Word? Sadly, but we're involved in the Global progress, and in killing our nature. There will be time, when some generations will be thinking about it more frequently, but now it's a barbaric time.
    Maybe I'll be thinking about preparing the information for my personal project, somehow connected with environmental protection, averseness. Will do some research, collecting data, organizing it and probably infographics, visualizations. Who cares what your project is about, just show you skill in design and animation. It's not paid, but at least could be helpful for others.
Recently got the book Envisioning the information by Edward Tufte, and just thought about the past and the future. Quite a lot depends on clarity of the idea. You can explain by words and text for a long time, but people will understand when you show, visualize your idea in an elegant infographic, or in a sequence of simple slides. Which proves that design, illustration and motion design are powerful skills to have in the future. (and nowadays, which was a future for him, when was writing this book). Concepts are still applicable and very useful to know about. You can obviously enhance them with tough animation, 3d representation, but the idea should remain simple and clear each time. But to make it simple and understood, it's need to be able to use many methods of refining the information each time and still have the working idea in the result. Like filtering sand to find few pieces of gold.
    Motion Designer should be as a creative director of a film to make the story built right, interesting, powerful enough to change the mind of the viewer. But how much time it could take to make 30 seconds of a meaningful video? Can take a while, but as I wrote earlier, it's a fast world, and not so many people are willing to spend 30 seconds on watching how the weak idea is revealing. So maybe 5-9 seconds will be enough as for the first time? The main problem I've thought was a style and level of the animation, but if the project is yours, then who will be judging you bad? It's your vision, point of view, expression. Create the idea, spend some time on make it watchable and that's it. Your story. But the idea is what's really will be transmitted from you to someone else, that's important. Probably this was the reason why I'm afraid of making personal project, that someone will see how primitive my thinking or education level, etc., etc. Many reasons, phobias. People don't judge already so hard, because they don't have much time to do this. They can watch something for a short time and to leave a Like for this. And that's it. No shame, no pain, just an exchange of a small bit of information between you and someone, from somewhere. The better idea - the better impact, but you can't become experienced in this, until you start from simplest ideas, and very soon it will be changed for better. It's just like planting the seed into the ground, and when it grows it's just needed to replace the bigger pot with more soil, but the rest remains the same. And one day you'll get much more seeds.

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