Overwriting Bad habbits with Pinterest

Pinterest is a great place to switch the rhythm of everyday bustle and start the work.

Overwriting Bad habbits with Pinterest

What would you like to absorb today?

We're consuming a lot of content. Enourmous amount. Our brain demands an information, images, music and videos like a savage beast. All depends on personal interest and the place where content will be consumed. Each social platform is like a forest where a hungry wolf can hunt various animals. But what if wolf wants to hunt just a hare. Pinterest can provide at "Wolf's today taste" only best hares, many and different.

That's important when you want to focus on something. Something similar is possible in every social media, like YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram. But it's needed time and determination to fit all gaps and collect proper feed to your taste. Plus there's typicaly much more distracting ads and mixed topics apearing there.

Who is the Boss: You or content?

With Pinterest you're starting with things you like and just traveling through show rooms of the best, selected content. Which makes your brain fed much faster. Additionally if you start some research, it can help you understand much faster how was done some image, animation, visual effect. Just by trying to replicate some best option you can start experimenting without any negative emotions about thinking how to start some new project. While you'll be experimenting it will be possible to think about some additional Further Tasks or things to try after experimentation. By watching news and entertaining videos you can't think about it so easily.

When you just consume the content somewhere else, for example on YouTube you may be distracted by other thumbnails, comments, ads (who is not on Premium), you don't have too much alternatives if you see that current video isn't so good. That's why it's very high chance to move with another direction and to spend more time for a research than you've planned. This leads to Distraction. With Pinterest it takes place too, but it's necessary to start the research already with some idea or direction. How to control the time during the research - I don't know at this momment, but later will write if I find out how. Best option for now - is to find something interesting for an experiment (during first 5-30 minutes), and to start implementing it or experimenting with it. This can form an approach of transforming the wandering thought into sharp and focused vision and action.

There's never too much of Pins

How to use Pinterest not for a research? You probably see this from the name of the service. Pinning things in which you're interested the most is the most simple way to use it, if you can't define currently the purpose of the exploration. Just pin interesting things and use it later for inspiration.

Much easier is when you decided to learn some skill and starting to screw in into this topic. And with Pinterest you're receiving the best options immediatelly. It's trully impressive resource, which is improving each month. By pinning best options - bad options are diminishing from the list of recommended variants. By creating your own boards and pinning content that you've liked - you're helping to develop the resource. Clean and elegant idea.

And good idea about it is to share your boards with pinned materials and pin you own works among them. So when somebody have found some good content, and decides to check the board where this content was saved - they're seeing your works among other interesting things. Not a dramatic improvement, but a free traffic with possible clients from your selected niche.

Inspiration instead of bad habbits

And again Pinterest is a chest with tresures when you're ready to think and work. In other way it's a box of bijuterie as like other socials. Define an idea and then it will be much easier to find the path to your goal with Pinterest. It's also a good option, when you've decided to stay on a dopamine diet for some time. And it can totally overwrite your habbit to open youtube, if you put the Pinterest app instead of youtube (or other bad habbit app) on the main screen of your mobile. So it will be a starting point, each time when you have a "spare minute" for entertainment.

Fortify connections and collaborations

Pinterest can be an excellent tool for a collaboration. By inviting someone to the Board, you can create a Group Board. This can be really helpful at a stage of project ideation (here's an example of my board for an educational animation project, "Mombi" 30 sec explainer video https://pin.it/4etydtn). Instead of packing Miro board with randomly sized images, you're receiving a mosaic of well sorted images or videos. Which helps to browse and select additionally similar styles, simply by clicking on the right style. Much more convenient.

Plus you can be an iniator of the project simply by inviting someone, who you don't know really well, and asking to help fill the board a little. Something neutral for example "Beautiful Watercolor Paintings". This can build a set of images that are reflecting a taste and interests of your connection. And then it will be a good ground to discuss interesting options, and maybe animate images with him / her together, etc. This can have an unlimited number of variants of interaction.

There's always a place for improvement

Additionally there's a lot of business oriented features in Pinterest. Will not write this in details, but what is important is an audience of this social media. It's mainly people that have a higher than average income. So it's a well earning people that are ready to buy things and pay for services. So the number of views and pins is more efficient than it's on TikTok or YouTube. With a proper strategy it may grant more revenue from purchases.

But it's not the aim of this post to overview all possibilities. I just wanted to pay an attention to basic things that are easy to implement in a regular daily workflow. To replace an inproductive. procrastination time with helpful exploration, which can widen your outlook and motivate for starting something new.

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