Micro Traveling

First spring days are marvelous.

I've thought it would be great to write a post somewhere else but not nearby my regular work place. Just found a great place on the bank of the river. Surrounded by the nature, listening the mild sounds of waves - just relaxing and refreshing. Sometimes we have to feel Freedom just to see that life is not only the internet, constant hustling and learning.

Life on the tropical island is a dream for many people. What a great idea, "Buying a piece of land just to feel silence and comfort by avoiding the gifts of civilization"! To think about own thoughts and wishes. To practice in imagination without constant distractions. Is this the only way to find peace?

We need new places and surroundings. Simple things are changing the flow of thoughts. Something like reinstalling System OS or simple repositioning of the working desk. For example if it was a habit to open news feed of your favorite website, but you know that's a waste of time, and you're trying to forget this habit. Try to change the mobile phone, OS or a web browser, and this mental connection will be deformed. After several attempts you will be able to replace it with another habit, more useful.

Changing the place of thinking is more powerful approach. It may provide you new perspectives, which were hidden before. They probably were covered by layers of information stored in memory for years of life. Finding them again is like finding a free resource, earlier time investment, which may become a necessary Piece of the puzzle for solving some important problem. It can be a solution held on a subconscious level, and when it will be necessary it will be applied without any logical explanation. Previous experience that was forgotten and not used can play its role one day...

As if allies gather in one place, and seeing the mightiness of their army, raise their morale. Same way reassessing your memory cells and experiences gives new senses and forces, helping overcome some struggles. Many of them are just illusions and fears. Easily washed away as like dirt by water, but only by listening sounds of nature. Birds, waves, waterfall or rain.

Certainly it's much easier to turn on such sounds and listen with your comfortable headphones, But still at this moment in 2024 the VR headsets are not replacing the real life experiences. Given for free to many of us, it's just needed to find the right place somewhere near your home. And use a notebook or a tablet to bring your most favorable things with you. To draw, to code, design and animate somewhere, but not where you passing the major part of your life. Working at your work is simply Losing the opportunity to feel pleasant and interesting moments of life. Thinking that you're a slave of this new digital age drops down the efficiency and happiness to the lowest level.

Shooting videos and traveling makes this life simpler in a natural way, by constantly changing the place. But not everyone can travel and live somewhere far from home. And later it will bring drawbacks of deeper disappointment without traveling for too long.

Most of the times traveling somewhere is a stress. To pack all the necessary things, buy tickets and plan everything. Especially working tools, electronics. But if you "practice" with traveling to the places nearby, with all the necessary tools for efficient work, then soon you'll become an experienced traveler, who's ready for a fast, easy and pleasant journey. Right at that moment when YOU or your couple will decide to go for a travel.

This sense of Freedom will pay off any uncomfortable small things that may arise.

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