Meaning of Life, Contribution

New goals and expectations after the New Year have finally arrived... familiar feeling?

In conjunction with a long unending project can seriously affect the mood and mental stability. Old questions like

What is the meaning of life? What's it all about? Who are we?

are rare visitors in my mind, but when they raise up, I can't avoid them anymore. This time I decided to spend some time in hope of finding the answer. And I think it was useful, at least it felt so.

With the help of my temporary psychoanalytic :) ChatGPT I've got some hints.

The question of life's purpose is a profound and subjective one, and different people and belief systems offer various perspectives on this matter. The purpose of life is a complex and philosophical concept that has been explored by thinkers, theologians, and individuals throughout history. Here are a few perspectives:
1) Religious Perspective: Many religious beliefs assert that the purpose of life is tied to a higher power or divine plan. For example, in Christianity, followers may believe that the purpose of life is to love and serve God, while in Hinduism, it may be seen as a journey of self-realization and spiritual growth.
2) Existential Perspective: Existentialist thinkers like Jean-Paul Sartre argued that life has no inherent purpose, and individuals must create their own meaning through their choices and actions. According to this view, life's purpose is a subjective and personal creation.
3) Biological Perspective: From a biological standpoint, the purpose of life could be seen as the continuation of one's genes through reproduction. The evolutionary perspective suggests that the purpose of life is to survive and pass on genetic material.
4) Humanitarian Perspective: Some people find purpose in contributing to the well-being of others, making a positive impact on society, or alleviating suffering. Acts of kindness, compassion, and service can provide a sense of purpose for many individuals.
5) Personal Growth and Fulfillment: Another perspective is that the purpose of life is to seek personal growth, fulfillment, and happiness. This could involve pursuing passions, building meaningful relationships, and finding joy in the journey of self-discovery.

I felt Answers 2, 4, 5 were most relevant to me.

2) The reader is creating his own meaning of the book(or content).

Everyone has it's own meaning of life. Ok, even if it looks like a simple theory, but powerful enough to return the mind back to reality and make it responsible for everything that happening currently around the person.

4) Some people find purpose in contributing. That's true: helping with donations or any other aid makes me feel significant. At least for myself. Others typically aren't impressed much, so it's kind of short term effect.

5) Personal Growth and Fulfillment - building meaningful relationships, and finding joy in the journey of self-discovery. A journey of self-discovery, sounds interesting and inspiring, can take a lot of time. Maybe even during the whole life. So, just do something already...

If there's a journey I've asked myself, then probably there's should be a way of traveling. What transport should I choose then?

And I've asked ChatGPT and Bard just for fun the question below:

what's life with the purpose looks like for a motion designer, if we compare this with means of transport (bicycle, car, jet, air baloon, etc)

Answers were not so poetical, but interesting in a way of understanding the strength and weaknesses of each activity or skill of a Motion Design.

so, here's ChatGPT answer

In the context of motion design or any creative profession, the metaphorical comparison to modes of transportation may represent the tools and methods used in the creative process. Here's a creative interpretation:

Bicycle (Analogy: Basic Software Skills): Developing strong foundational skills in essential software tools, such as Adobe Creative Suite (After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop), is akin to riding a bicycle. It's a fundamental and reliable mode of transportation in the motion design world. Like pedaling a bicycle, mastering these tools allows a motion designer to navigate the basics and execute their creative ideas.

Car (Analogy: Advanced Software and Technical Skills): Expanding your skill set to include more advanced software and technical skills, such as 3D animation software (Cinema 4D, Blender) or coding languages (JavaScript for animations), can be likened to driving a car. It gives you more power and control over your creative projects, allowing for a smoother and more sophisticated journey.

Jet (Analogy: Specialized and High-End Tools): For motion designers working on complex and high-budget projects, utilizing specialized tools or high-end software, such as Autodesk Maya or Houdini, can be compared to flying in a jet. This mode of "transportation" allows for rapid and advanced capabilities, taking your creativity to new heights.

Air Balloon (Analogy: Conceptual and Artistic Vision): Just as an air balloon allows for a slower, more contemplative journey, focusing on the conceptual and artistic aspects of motion design can be seen as an essential mode of "transportation." Developing a strong artistic vision, storytelling skills, and a unique style allows a motion designer to soar above the ordinary and create visually compelling and meaningful work.


Ultimately, the efficiency of a motion designer depends on their ability to choose the right "mode of transportation" for each project, combining foundational skills with advanced techniques and a strong artistic vision. It's about finding the right balance and adapting to the unique challenges and requirements of each creative endeavor.

Bard answer

When it comes to finding the most efficient "means of transportation" for a motion designer, the analogy isn't about literal speed or travel time, but rather about effective tools and approaches that help them achieve their creative goals. Here's how the analogies might translate:


  • Efficient for short distances, local projects: Mastering fundamental design principles and software like Adobe Creative Suite would be like honing your cycling skills – essential for everyday creative tasks and short-term projects.
  • Focus on the fundamentals: Just like building a strong physical base for cycling, understanding design fundamentals like animation, color theory, and composition equips you for diverse projects.
  • Sustainable and adaptable: Just like a bike can be customized with accessories, your skillset can adapt to incorporate new trends and software updates.


  • Faster for specific goals: Learning advanced techniques like 3D animation or mastering a specific software plugin could be like taking a car on a highway – getting you to a specific creative destination efficiently.
  • Targeted skills for specialized projects: Developing expertise in particular areas like motion graphics for explainer videos or UI/UX animation can be like owning a specialized car for off-roading or racing.
  • Potential for burnout: Over-reliance on specific tools or skills without diversifying can lead to creative rut, similar to relying solely on a car for every journey.


  • Reaching global audiences: Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like VR/AR or exploring international design trends can be like flying by jet – expanding your reach and impact significantly.
  • High ambition and visibility: Striving for major projects or international recognition can be like aiming for high altitudes in a jet, demanding both skill and resilience.
  • Maintaining balance: Focusing solely on "big picture" goals without attention to detail or smaller projects can be risky, like neglecting maintenance on a jet.

Air Balloon:

  • Openness to experimentation: Embracing new styles, collaborating with diverse artists, and exploring non-conventional approaches can be like riding an air balloon – open to the wind and unexpected directions.
  • Finding inspiration in unexpected places: Drawing inspiration from different art forms, cultures, or even everyday experiences can be like enjoying the diverse landscapes from a balloon ride.
  • Adaptability and resilience: Like a balloon needing to adjust to changing winds, staying flexible and resilient in the face of creative challenges is essential.

Ultimately, the "most efficient" approach for a motion designer depends on their individual goals, style, and career stage. Combining aspects of different "vehicles" – mastering fundamentals, specializing in desired areas, exploring new territories, and adapting to trends – can create the most well-rounded and successful creative journey.

Remember, it's more about using the right tools and skills for the journey, not just reaching a specific destination as quickly as possible. Find the blend that fuels your creativity, excites you, and helps you achieve your unique design goals.

I hope this helps you navigate your creative journey!


And here's a Wikipedia's small chunk of text, that's can be a quite distinct answer to the question Meaning of Life:

Researchers in positive psychology study empirical factors that lead to life satisfaction, full engagement in activities, making a fuller contribution by using one's personal strengths, and meaning based on investing in something larger than the self. Large-data studies of flow experiences have consistently suggested that humans experience meaning and fulfillment when mastering challenging tasks and that the experience comes from the way tasks are approached and performed rather than the particular choice of task. For example, flow experiences can be obtained by prisoners in concentration camps with minimal facilities, and occur only slightly more often in billionaires. A classic example is of two workers on an apparently boring production line in a factory. One treats the work as a tedious chore while the other turns it into a game to see how fast he/she can make each unit and achieves flow in the process. []


To sum up I think there’s a simple idea about the purpose of life: by investing and granting your best skills and possibilities to the world you will receive happiness and life satisfaction in return. The way you travel this world is not really important – it’s an interesting journey, a personal discovery and your contribution to this world!

Enjoy your MotionDay today!