Importance of competition

Competition is a self-destructive process. You compete with someone, wasting resources, and afraid of many consequences that may be not in your favor. Smart people aren't arguing and avoiding obstacles in any possible way.


   But when there's no choice, the competition comes in. You can accomplish hard project in various ways, but it’s always a stress at the beginning which is needed to overcome first. Final result will be a sum of your skills and experience, it’s not depending on your wishes and expectations. It can be a long path of trials and errors, but it will be also a new practice of merging all your knowledge into new version of yourself. The best approaches will be strengthening and inefficient ones will be degrading.

   Motion design isn't a medieval championship when a winner is someone, who survived at the end. Not a sports competition, when it's needed to push yourself to the physical limits of your body. Motion design Is just a practice and fun. But at the end, there will be a personal transformation, which is usually something unknown and what's the most alarming for many artists. Not sense of failure, but Unknown.

    “What if I press this button, the computer most probably will be damaged”. “Teacher will see that you've broken it!”, I remember informatics classes in my school. There were many pupils afraid of minimizing a window, and thinking that all information is lost forever instantly at that moment or even worse, computer settings are lost.


   We're comfortable at those areas, where we've been previously. And new territories are making us feel lost and helpless. This sense is formed long time before we start to read and talk. The reaction is what limiting us in situations, when we don't know what to do next. But in life there will be always reasons when we will be pushed to act, usually because another type of fear is stronger than the fear on the start. (not a Windows Start button, anymore).


Constant living in a fear: some fears are weaker other are stronger. It's just needed to select the easiest or less painful path every time. And looks like the best one is not a path of a competition and losing resources (or losing something).


But people that overcame this fear in the childhood can think in a different way.  Radically different. When you WISH to try and test something, no matter what - you will do it. There will be less fear and stress left, because at least with one of fears is already DECIDED to get over. And when you're busy with one fear, there's no time for other fears and problems. At least for a short moment. So, it's a good way to win a short break from all these fears, finally.


    Competitions are making us stronger. Not just because of practice and defining the winner, but for overcoming our own stress and anxiety. Regular attempts making preparation more versatile and thoughtful, which helps to achieve the excellence in the process of creation of something. The “Good Result” is just a byproduct, an outcome of your approach. Not a summary of your personality.  During the creative process there can be several good results, but at the end it's just selected only one, others are forgetting.     


   Same can be with a competition. Chosen is only one, but it's just one amongst of many good ones. Competition is primary for contestants. Not for a client, or someone who chooses the best. But, at the end there's will be a high chance that the MOST Experienced will win the competition.


    How to explain what's like to ride a bicycle? Until you try there will be just time waste from reading all possible books and watching tutorials of "how to ride a bike." Nobody will explain you the idea correctly, and just your fears will be limiting you from this experience.    


  Do you need to ride a bike to survive? Not at all, it's just your decision. You can live without it easily. But when you decide to try, you will start to move much faster. And only a competition will push your speed to the limit. But where's the limit? I guess it’s again, Unknown?!


   Moving slow or fast is a personal preference. Even a slow ride is better than just staying and waiting for chance to start moving. But is it needed to know the final destination, before we go? It's better to know, but unknown is also can be good, if it's helping to find out what is hidden behind the walls around you.

   Interest of learning and fear of learning it's something that makes people win or lose in a competition. Not a talent, not a luck… faith, God, family, or wealth. There’s just a “Fear” and “Curiosity / Interest / Aspiration” in the battle. If we eliminate the fear, there's left only the good intentions (I hope good, because what’s good and bad is also a personal thing). 


Most common thing is a fear of losing money, which is incredibly efficient on any level of human wealth. And what causes this is, from my experience, is a lack of ability to adapt to situations. Which is directly connected to the fear of competition and fear of learning, experimentation, losing global lifetime goals and vision.

Setting good priorities and choosing the problem to solve firstly will lead to switching to the efficient mood, which at least is good for two reasons. 

First one is: For starting to use the time productively and the second: forgetting about the overwhelming sense of other fears.


Fight and you'll overcome.

T. Shevchenko.


    The rest is depends on the readiness for a big fights and competitions. But small are good enough and necessary to become more resilient in overcoming own fears and doubts. That's why Less is More in such situations when you don't know what to do at all. And in many other times too.

   Proving for yourself, that you're capable of doing simple tricks is also a part of practice. It's a great feeling when you have a reason to know that you're capable of Doing something instead of just Thinking of that. Proven results making our fears Controllable. At least something in this world can be controlled with your own evidence.


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