Fortifying own character

Ever thought about difference of characters since the school time? When some kids were most of the time luckiest, always smiling and confident, no matter what happens. While a majority had some problems and disappointments, most of the time for no reason.

I'll be referring to some real people I know, and will try to write short about their vision of life. I'll define the first person as Person A, communicative, curious, fun and a little tricky.

"A" was a perfectionist with a positive look on everything, except those moments, when someone had a better luck. For example if teacher will mention another person for some accomplishment. If majority were reacting like "oh, huh, ok", person A was exploding with a negative critique and hate, for such "unearned praise". Nearly as a lifetime enemy. It was frightening when I heard this first time.

"Best in everything" feeling was hitting hard, when someone appeared even better. Or for example in case of unsuccessful love relationships.

Person B had always sharp jokes, excellent communicative skills, excellent marks and attention from girls. But after acquiring the habit of laughing on those, who less smarter he started to hang and drink with bad company, with those who like to despise others too.

I'm describing these behaviors because it can show that everyone has disadvantages. No matter how wonderful a person looks at first glance.

Setting high expectations is a risky approach. Much more convenient is to agree that there will be some disadvantages, and we have the opportunity to work on them. To eliminate bad habits, to improve weak skills and to fortify a personality.

Mental and physical skills are the subjects of improvement. It's hard to change something just by reading miles of suggestions. So, exercises is the only way to get some noticeable changes. It's good when they're in a friendly form like playing some games, chess or tennis. But it can be also something relaxing like painting, meditation, bicycle ride or just walk.

To avoid negative reactions, it's needed to define simple activities that may bring some happiness and joy while YOU do them. Exclude gaming, night clubs, alcohol, etc. Obviously.

Here are examples of things I like to do. It's not always possible to do them all, but it's still needed to remind, what's good for myself.

Physical exercises, 30 minutes

Morning simple exercises 2-5 minutes. It helps a lot, even if it looks too basic.

Abs workout - 2-3 minutes. I can do it while waiting for a taxi, making coffee or whenever have a free time, just needed to be ready to do it.

Running for 10-40 minutes. Listening a podcast, or some youtube interview video, whatever will be interesting at that moment.

Clean up if I can't do anything complicated, I do some cleaning. At least it's something useful.

Mental exercises, 30 minutes

Reading books 10-30 minutes. I'm a casual reader, just trying to build this habit.

Meditation 10-20 to normalize mood and to smooth out spikes of anxiety. Simply sitting with closed eyes and listening surrounding sounds. Analyzing sparks of ideas and impulses. Sometimes I can write something important to the notepad after such session.

Planning 2-10 minutes writing down most important things.

What I'd like to add

Improvisation exercises Something that can help improve my ability to adapt and react fast to new situations.

Learning new cooking new dishes, playing guitar, understanding something on the whole new level.

Communication improvement Sometimes I can't even listen and try to avoid authoritative person. Amongst that, there's a bunch of problems, when I speak publicly.

Affirmations I rarely do this. But recently discovered, that I've started to spend less time for dumb browsing, youtube, instagram scrolling etc. Especially after writing this post:

Spying on Myself
See how the internet steels our productive time. Find out how certain cues are starting BAD, Unnecessary, uncontrolled browsing.

Maybe If I'm capable of improving sequentially daily routine, I can support own confidence when thinking I'm powerless. I'm able to change my life.

Some affirmations for Motion Designer:

  • I able to learn how to make Art, Style Boards if I can do Moodboards.
  • I'm able to do a Storyboard if I can do simple sketches.
  • I'm able to learn new tutorial daily, I can easily find an hour for this.
  • I was doing this and that already.
  • I've accomplished more complicated tasks already.

Volunteering and new activities helping others provides reasons to be proud and adds confidence, by knowing that you're socially valuable and useful. Some activity on the fresh air, or just helping friend to move to another apartment. People are memorizing bad things, but good ones are appreciated too.

A Diary - writing a blog I can confidently say helps to learn and grow. But writing daily notes, ideas and wishes is something uncomfortable for me. Could be helpful if it's just for unloading mind and spending some time for organizing thoughts. Can be used as a basis for planning.

Active listening sometimes finding unexpected details about the project or hearing some personal coworker's story can be pivotal. Spending extra attention intentionally during 10-30 minutes can be an exercise for improving instantly understanding from 30% for new material to 40% or more. Which is a direct economy of time later on.

Focusing sessions when nothing disturbs. No calls, no internet, no music. Just pure work. Usually I have such time only late night, when my mind is already calmed down after a long day of various things. But it's possible to create such time and place, whenever you wish, if set a priority for this.

Denial of Negativity it's still hard for me to think positively. At least it's something to consider for improvement. Thinking Bad is BAD.

Hope you find these ideas useful.

Mental health is the same way important as physical health.

Finding time for such exercises will produce even more free time in the future.

Take care and have a great Motion Day!

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Bye for now, friend!